Annika McFarlaneDesign & Illustration
An extroverted introvert, Annika oscillates between quiet reflection and enthusiastic tomfoolery. She loves a good metaphor and clever line of copy and includes them in her work whenever possible. Beloved instructor Jeff Burgess once described a painting of hers as “quirky yet effective” and this has been her catchphrase ever since.
RGD Student Awards 2021 Winner
AdvertisingRGD Student Awards 2021 Winner
Social GoodBC Arts Council Scholarship 2021 Winner
RGD Student Awards 2021 Honourable Mention
Packaging SeriesADCC Student Awards 2021 Bronze
Graphic DesignBC Arts Council Scholarship 2020 Winner
GDC Ray Hrynkow Scholarship 2020 Honourable
ADCC Student Awards 2020 Bronze
Graphic DesignApplied Arts 2019 Winner
Print DesignRGD Student Awards 2019 Honourable Mention
Social GoodRGD Student Awards 2019 Honourable Mention
Print DesignGDC Salazar Awards 2019 Honourable Mention
Print Design