Art direction and copywriting for Level the Playing Field, a fundraising campaign using sports metaphors to open donors’ hearts (and wallets) to root for homeless youth as society’s underdogs.
Level the Playing Field campaign collateral.
Branding, art direction and illustration for Fragments, a music festival featuring leading multi-instrumentalists and looping artists who excel at layering sound.
The festival collateral uses slices of the original artwork to echo the theme of integrating musical elements.
User experience, interface and branding for Ringmaster, an app that positions the mind as a circus and helps young people manage anxiety amid the noise and spectacle of their brains. Read the full UX case study here.
Branding and packaging for Beer Island, a Vancouver brewery that reflects its environment as a place where the sea-softened city gives way to the forest.
Rebrand for Windsor Meats combines a neighbourhood butcher shop’s traditional spirit with a more contemporary design.