![Jeann spring summer 2020 campaign posters featuring models posing in suits with the logo used as a saint halo.]()
Jeann is an elegant gender-inclusive fashion and tailoring brand inspired by Joan of Arc and Samurai culture.
![Jeann brand collateral. Hangtags, stationery and social media.]()
Jeann celebrates the power of feminine expression in all genders.
![Karasu okonomiyaki restaurant branding. Takeout bag and box, menu, stickers and chopsticks. Karasu means crow in Japanese and okonomiyaki is a savoury pancake.]()
Karasu (crow in Japanese) is a playful and chaotic Mom & Pop okonomiyaki (savoury Japanese pancake) joint in East Vancouver.
![Coin financial app user interface. 4 essential screens. The landing page, login page, homepage with the background illustration near home planet for small savings, homepage with the background illustration at the edge of the solar system for big savings.]()
Coin is a finance app that turns basic financial education for preteens into an intergalactic adventure.
![Logo sketches to final logo gif for Rare Earth moroccan tea and spice boutique. Tea packaging front and back panels.]()
Rare Earth is a Moroccan-Canadian family-owned tea and spice boutique that combines contemporary design with the rich flavours of home.
![Rare Earth branding collateral. Couscous packaging, three spice containers, business card front and back.]()
Moorish design patterns inspire Rare Earth’s visual language.
![M’ocean healing centre exterior, interior reception area, way finding signage.]()
M’Ocean is a healing centre that integrates activity with therapeutic treatment to help trauma survivors recover.
![M’ocean logo process from sketch to finished logo. M’ocean website homepage.]()
The powerful and immersive experience of the sea inspires M’Ocean’s identity.