
Illustration she, her

Emma is an illustrator who loves picking exactly the right colours, composing scenes just so, and getting every little detail exactly the way it needs to be. In other words, a perfectionist (in the best way). Her side interests include video games, marine biology, and bringing in whimsy whenever appropriate.

Profile photo of Emma Do and one work thumbnail.

CAPIC Rodeo 15 Illustration Top 10 2022

Dean’s List 2020–2024

A painting depicting an overgrown meadow in a forest. In the foreground, there are fragments of statues including a hand and a piece of a wing. In the center of the painting is a small angel offering a teddy bear to an angel statue. The forest is littered with similar angel statues.

Environmental concept art for a short 2D film that follows an angel throughout the day collecting various souvenirs.

A looping GIF of five grayscale compositions. The first composition is an angel chasing a cat through a town, the second is a top-down perspective view of the angel collecting coins out of a fountain, the third is the angel in a crowded bus stealing a key, and the final composition is the angel flying over the town at night while ominous giant figures loom in the distance.

Alternate grayscale compositions exploring the town setting featured in a 2D animated film.

The scene depicts a lighthouse on a cliff at sunset. On the very edge of the cliff, a small figure in a wizard hat outstretches its arms towards a dragon emerging out of the ocean. Process work for figuring out the colour scheme for the final painting is shown on the side. Four colour palettes are shown, the first one is green and blue, the second one uses sandy colours, and the third one explores nighttime colours.

Concept art for The Lighthouse Keepers, a short animation about wizards that live in a lighthouse.

A character sheet of a cat-like creature with an outlet for a face and a plug tail. A looping GIF of a character turnaround is on the right.

A character exploration sheet and turnaround of Sockit, a cat-like creature based on an outlet and plug.

A Vogue-style magazine cover titled Pearl showcases a full body shot of a blue humanoid aquatic creature wearing a jellyfish hat and shawl and a long white ruffled dress on a dark blue background. The text around the character reads “the aloof fashionista of the deep” and “moon jellyfish line creating waves in the industry”. On the right is a character design sheet with two action poses. One pose is them using a spear with a conch shell to stab a tiny crying fish, and the other is of them floating on their back in the water with bubbles around them. On the right side of the page are four headshots with different expressions; these include smirking, angry, disgust, and bored.

A character design sheet and illustrated fashion magazine cover for Pearl, an aquatic creature with a sophisticated fashion sense.

A Poster illustration and AR experience for It’s Alive, an experimental music festival.

An illustration depicting a chick casting a dinosaur-shaped shadow onto a barn's fence. There is a feather between the chick and the shadow. Sketches of the poster’s development are included on each side of the finished poster.

An illustration for a poster depicting the evolutionary connection between modern birds and ancient dinosaurs.

A poster illustration for VanCAF, it depicts an apartment with different fantastical characters in each window. A speech bubble from one character reads Vancouver Comic Art Festival. The other speech bubbles list the date, time, and location of the event. On the right of the poster illustration is a mock-up of the poster printed.

An illustration for a local comic and arts convention called VanCAF that takes inspiration from the architecture found in BC’s Lower Mainland.