Charmaine Cheng

Charmaine’s original career goal was to be the next Avril Lavigne, but that proved impractical. Thankfully, her artistic talent and knack for solving problems led to design and art direction. Charmaine prides herself on a keen eye for design, strong work ethic, and a subversively wry sense of humour.


Jim Rimmer Scholarship 2018, Finalist
RGD Design Thinkers Scholarship 2018, Honourable Mention
ADCC Student Competition 2018, Merit
Adobe Design Achievement Awards 2018, Semi-Finalist
Applied Arts Georges Haroutiun Scholarship 2018, Advertising Winner
RBC Children of Employees Scholarship 2018
Capilano University Achievement Access Awards 2018 x 2
Jim Rimmer Scholarship 2017, Finalist

Zafrane, Moroccan-inspired spice & tea brand
Zafrane, Moroccan-inspired spice & tea brand
Rosedive, skateboard school that empowers girls
Rosedive, “Girly Words” campaign
Fox & Foul, sarcastic home goods and stationery
Fox & Foul, sarcastic home goods and stationery